Ability to access Http POST operation from Smilax mixin.
Could be used to save info to another server, get info from it,
trigger actions, send emails, access databases, or whatever you write a CGI for.
- Create a Table entry with Edit Table,
key name is HttpPost:LABEL for some LABEL,
value is these list elements: ip of http server, its port,
its hostname (for Host: header), Path portion of URL,
username, and password.
{HttpPost:test_postit 80 wiki.yak.net /458.save strick_test PASSWORD}
- Call ^HttpPost from mixin with args LABEL then key value pairs,
the form submission values. Example:
^HttpPost test_postit v 1 title test:from_http_post text "from smilax with love $::Unique [^Ampize $::Query(postit)]" lock ""
The label is "test_postit". Keys are v, title, text, lock.
- HttpPost requires the label to tell it how to access http server.
The idea is to have a few fixed services you use.
- Example mixin http://smilax.org/1.smilax_edit_mixin.?mixin=test_http_post
- Run example
- See result
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